Cash, Pledges, Monthly Giving

Check or cash

You can download and print our pledge form to accompany your check and send it to:
Friends of Menucha Foundation
PO Box 8
Corbett, OR 97019-0008

Credit or debit

Make your one-time gift or establish a monthly donation online. You are also welcome to phone us to make a gift by credit or debit card.

Speak with us about any of the following options:

  • Securities – Publicly traded stock and mutual funds.
  • Real Property – Menucha accepts gifts of real estate and vehicles.
  • IRA Charitable Rollover – If you are 72 or older and must take required minimum distributions from your IRA, you can transfer up to $100,000 annually from your IRA directly to Menucha without first having to recognize the distribution as income.
  • Legacy Giving – Menucha works in partnership with several larger foundations to facilitate donations of bequests, retirement plan assets, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, or charitable remainder trusts.


Click to Donate Now or Set Up a Monthly Gift